March 22, 2022

Attract and Keep Employees with Discount Programs

Smart leaders are always looking for ways to show their appreciation to employees without breaking the bank. Hopefully, you provide some health benefits, life insurance, a retirement plan, and maybe some other fancy benefits that keep you employees committed to your company. However, in a tight labor market, little additions make a difference to work-life balance (for yourself, too). Participating in discount programs can go a long way toward attracting and keeping great employees.

Attraction and Event Discounts

Employee perks program provide discounts–often quite generous ones–to restaurants, attractions, and events. These can range from Broadway shows to your city’s zoo. A quick Google search will reveal numerous programs. Tickets at Work, Access Perks, and Working Advantage are examples.

An HR professional writing for Access Perks said that what she values about offering this kind of program is, “introducing [employees] to opportunities and experiences they might not otherwise be able to afford.” Some programs, however, also include everyday services, like hair salons, oil changes, and pet grooming.

When you choose a program, consider your employees’ interests and demographics. For example, if they have families, they might appreciate access to kid-friendly entertainment or amusement parks. If you’re a national company, or your employees like to travel, pick one that includes widespread options. If you’re local and think your team might appreciate outings close to home, look for one that represents options in your area.

Shopping Memberships

Everyone has to buy food, clothing, and household items. By giving your employees a way to save on these things, you help them budget and improve their financial wellness. Look into corporate programs at wholesale club stores like Costo, Sam’s Club, BJ’s and others.

Another way to leverage wholesale clubs is to use them for office supplies. Take the time to calculate what you will save over the course of a year, and you might be surprised.

Gym and Golf Memberships

Gym memberships tie in nicely with your employee wellness program. You benefit with this one, too. Healthier employees miss less work and incur fewer insurance costs. If there is a gym close to your location, it’s a clear choice. Many people like to work out right before or after work, or squeeze in a sweat session during lunch. Or, choose a gym with multiple locations to make it easy for people who live in different parts of the city.

If golf if more to your team’s taste, reach out to local golf and country clubs about corporate memberships. Not only can employees use these on their own, but you can use them as a company. Host annual meetings or celebrations there, or provide a place for your employees to entertain clients. These may incur a higher up-front cost, but they can pay off for years to come.

Get Creative

Listen to your employees and explore your community. Match their interests with the resources around you. Tailor your perks to your company’s unique culture, and you will make employees feel like they’re part of something special. Get a little creative, and discover the discounts that will keep people around for the long haul.

Whatever discount programs you invest in, they can pay off. With a little legwork and usually a minimal investment in the beginning, you can offer your employees something that doesn’t come with an invoice every time they use it!
